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“Excellent Partner” Status Awarded By Alpine Electronics

Back in 2013 we made our first ever order with Alpine Electronics and since then, our relationship with both Alpine UK and Alpine EU has grown. If we’re not installing and recommending their equipment we’re supplying directly to our dealers and installers across the UK.

As a result of our continued High End Installations and Technical Support we have been awarded the “Excellent Partner” Status. This means that we are recognised along with a few other select companies to the be the very best in the world of Alpine within the UK.

You may well have seen over on our YouTube Channel that we are regularly uploading videos of Alpine Stereo Systems installed into a variety of different vehicles. These videos are then shared on Social Media by Alpine in the UK and the EU.

This means that you can rest assured that when we’re talking all things Alpine we know the equipment and what will be the perfect solution for your vehicle as well as giving you continued support whilst you own that system.

One of the main benefits for you as a customer is that you will automatically get 2 years warranty on the equipment and installation when we install an Alpine System from Alpine Electronics. Most normal retailers and sellers will only be able to offer 12 months. We also get preferential access to new stereo systems as and when they get released!

As a pat on the back for a job well done we also have our very own Alpine Demo Stand which will always have the most up-to-date Stereo and Speaker systems so if you’re local to us then you can pop down and have a play before you make your mind up.

If you’re looking to upgrade the Stereo or Sound System in your vehicle then make sure you get in touch as we’ll always be happy to help or give you a demo of the equipment!