We accept a range of payments online so here’s a few things to bear in mind.

Fees & Charges
Like every business out there, we get charged for Merchant Services to offer payment services either via you paying via your Debit / Credit Card. This is normally a percentage of the transaction and can be quite costly to a Small Business when it’s all added up at the end of the month.
Since 2018 we’ve not been able to charge for the fees associated with Credit Card Transactions and as such, none of our transactions online will charge any sort of fee as part of your purchase.
As a small business we simply cannot afford to absorb the fees associated with CREDIT card payments so we kindly ask you to pay your using a DEBIT card where possible to help us out!
We choose not to accept Credit Cards for “Deposit” Payments or “Final Balance” Payments. These can only be paid or settled using a DEBIT Card or via Bank Transfer.
Remember that you get just as much Protection when using a Debit Card as you would of done with a Credit Card.
Online Protection
- Every transaction online is done via a 3rd Party such as SAGE, Paypal or Stripe. These are our secure online payment gateways which handles the whole payment side of things. We do not store any personal financial information or have access to it.
- We have sophisticated Anti-Fraud & Compliance Systems running in the background that monitor every transaction to help safeguard ourselves and most importantly you. Each transaction is reported and if the Fraud Risk is too high then the transaction will be cancelled and refunded as appropriate.